In addition to the standards set out by the ACNC we also apply the highest level of ethical conduct standards in relation to operation of an Islamic charity, where we are passionate about ensuring that 100% of your donations reach the beneficiary. INOH is proud to meet the ACNC Governance Standards as a regulated and registered charity. We pride ourselves in a new set of operational standards that expect the best out of us if we are going to achieve the best impact from our projects and programs. Our Standards ensure we operate within a lawful framework and with accountability.
"At INOH we want voluntary and community action to have the greatest positive impact."
Compliance and Ethics as a Culture
At INOH we have worked hard to review our historical learnings and plan our future vision and activities, in doing so we have found a new love for building a compliance oriented culture in our charity which have innumerable benefits. Some of these benefits include a higher level of satisfaction in our team, developing stronger trust with our community and partners.
"Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth in the hear-after is the good that he does in his home and to his fellow humans."
To maintain this level of corporate culture we at INOH put a greater emphasis on maintaining a high level of industry standards, this is an ever evolving task that mandates each member to strive for “better”. We do this in various ways, but the first is through a company wide Code of Conduct helping members and employees of the organisation to understand the expectations of the community.
Our Management Committee have the responsibility of ensuring that all INOH Programs, Partners and Members conduct themselves in alignment with the expectations of INOH. Fostering this ethical culture within our workplace means we work on teaching our team how to recognise risks, handle ethical issues and feel comfortable in stepping up and speaking out about what may not be right.
INOH ensures our members are reminded of their obligations through regular compliance training to educate members of the importance of compliance and its alignment to our governing policies and religious beliefs as Muslims, these beliefs are what ensure we are always aware of the rights of the beneficiaries and donors. Below are a list of the internal documents and governing policies that INOH use and we hope that this creates additional confidence in the reader of our new found operating model.
INOH Governing Policies & Internal Documents
INOH Constitution
Risk Management Strategy
Risk Assessment Registers
Compliance Monitoring Framework
Policy Concerning Record Keeping
Policy for the Use of Income
Policy Concerning Conflicts
Third-Party Due Diligence
Policy Concerning Volunteers
Protection of Vulnerable Persons
Policy Concerning Financial Procedures and Delegation